Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Doctor Who?

So then. The new and eleventh Doctor Who, Matt Smith.

Is he too young for the part? I don't think so - I think he could carry the character of a 900+ year old war veteran coupled with an enthusiasm of a small child of Christmas morning. I think there is something gawkish and odd about his look that suits the character of the Doctor.

But a rant on io9 made me think of all the things the Doctor could be. I've been calling for a different type of Doctor for ages: it's all very exciting having a white, male science geek in the role, but how about envisioning a female Doctor, who spends more time healing than babbling pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo? Or a Doctor from an ethnic minority? If they can vote for a black man to become President in America, for goodness' sake, surely we could expect to see a black man (or woman) save the Universe from Daleks without British families switching off in disgust?

Oh, and io9 are certainly right about one thing. Get yourself a haircut you scruffy young-feller-me-lad!

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