Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Making Windows look like MacOS

One key difference between Windows and MacOS systems is the font-smothing technique used by the different operating systems. Personally, I much prefer the look of fonts on MacOS systems with the smoother lines (though Microsoft's Clear Type is arguably better on 8pt and below fonts).

A handy little plugin for Windows called GDI++ makes Windows render it's fonts with the smooth lines of MacOS. Download it, unzip it, double click on GDItray.exe and you're off!

It will take some time to get used to it (a couple of hours), but once you are used to it, you will never switch it off.


Circles 2

I've created a series of seventy one icons for your RocketDock / ObjectDock customisations. The icons come in 256 x 256 pixel PNG format. Enjoy and share!
